Fig. 1: Point Dume State Park, Malibu, California
This was my first time visiting the beautiful Zuma Beach peninsula right by Malibu, California. Driving right to the tip of the peninsula is the wonderful state park area. You can hike to the top of the hill with beautiful views, you can hike down to the beach ( Matthew McConaughey surfs there, by the way, Surfer, Dude is up in theaters in September 2008 ). Story continues, below...
But I needed to park my car first. There is a miniscule parking space for about 10 cars on the beach side of the Cliffside Drive, and there is what looks like, additional parking on the other side. Driver beware! There are super small no parking signs there! However, many people park there so more people park and feel it is okay, and they do not look for the signs. Possibly because of the beautiful ocean view!?!
Anyhow, today I and ten (10!) other cars got a $64 parking violation ticket for parking there!!

Fig. 2: The ten cars that got a $64 ticket today!
I'm posting this blog to raise the awareness of these hideous and annoying "parking" places that are just local community money machines!
What alternatives does one have for parking there and enjoying the beautiful Pt Dume Park and the beach?
The 10 parking spots are definitely insufficient, and even they are limited to 2 hours! It takes at least 1 hour to hike the cliff and it takes at least 30 minutes to hike down to the beach!

I have seen a bus stop saying that bus stops there every 1/2 hour in the summer. But where does it take you? Where would be a good place to park the car (for hours) and take the bus to Pt Dume?
Fig. 3: The two-hour limit miniscule parking lot.
I invite anyone to comment with any of these answers and to post links to other parking ticket traps in the Los Angeles, CA, USA, or for that matter, the entire world! Maybe we can create a map of nice places to visit with instructions on what to be careful about. So we can enjoy the places to the fullest!
P.S.: See the exact location on panoramio: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/12791684
P.P.S: Here is the official web site for Pt. Dume State Beach where the annoying parking ticket was issued: http://www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=623. Here are the other beautiful California State Parks: http://www.parks.ca.gov.
I'd like someone to comment if they found parking or traffic issues at other state beaches or state parks.
There is lots of room to park for as long as you want on Fernhill Dr., about 2500 ft to the northeast.
Yes! We need a way to let people know about it. 10 people getting a ticket in one hour! $640 in one hour!
Pay annoying parking ticket blog
Weak! Is this part of the $700 billion bail out plan? Jack people for parking tickets, talking on their cell phones, and text messaging?
Ricky, this would be in ADDITION to the bailout. Who knows how many Billions each year are going toward unnecessary parking tickets, and the money is NOT spent on generating more accessible parking spaces. I wonder where that parking ticket money is going!
yeah dude, thats crap. I got the same ticket. I'm browsing the internet right now for any tips to contest it haha
I feel your pain. Check out the links all over this blog. You may get help dismissing your ticket! Good luck!
this happened yesterday..I showed up as my vehicle was getting a ticket and asked the officer if there was a problem..she said "yea, there's no parking here." i didnt have a fricken clue. the sign that is there is extremely faded and ill placed. I was extremely respectful to the officer and even thanked her as she handed me the ticket. as she walked away she said "if you want to put that in your window and walk away, i can write you another one." talk about a person with no soul...not a good day in malibu
Same story as Anonymous... I parked next to 10 cars, carried my rock climbing gear to the trailhead and saw the faded no parking signs. 3 cop cars speeded past me and 1 parked behind my vehicle. I ran back to my car after placing my rock climbing gear down and said "I can move my car, I just saw the no parking sign. I've been here no more than a few minutes." The lady officer didn't even look me into the eyes and said,"Sorry, the ticket has already begun" (She only filled out the date and time). She finished my ticket and moved her big SUV patrol vehicle and proceeded . My front left tire was stuck in the sand and I had to reverse stongly, stirring up sand dust all over the officer... my bad! She gave me a glare but I kept driving and paid $10 to park down by the beach... this officer knows no such thing as grace... agh!!
I feel your pain guys, and that was fun spewing dust RC... I'm going to go there one weekend in the summer and take pictures of the officers.. I tried one time and I'll tell you they do feel embarrassed by what they are doing...
10 people getting a $64 ticket in an hour, now that's what I call diligent. Though I wasn't able to experience it first hand, it wouldn't take a genius to notice that that seems off.
Yeah, and this was in the summer. Watch this: This could go all year round: Los Angeles Hollywood Parking Tickets Griffith Park Alert, 10 tix for 1 hour of work or less.
I got a $302 parking ticket yesterday, May 12th 2011, for blocking an aces ramp to a side walk...i noticed the license plate number printed on teh ticket is not my correct number. Its wrong by 3 digits and the last 4 of my vin was not put on the ticket....AM I OFF THE HOOK????????!!!!!!
I got a $302 parking ticket yesterday but i noticed that the license plate number that was put on the ticket was 3 digits off of what mine is and they didnt put the last 4 of my VIN # on it. The description of the vehicle is correct though....am i off the hook??? will the ticket be placed on to the license plate number listed on the ticket??? f so its not mine! :)
I would write back saying that the vehicle listed does not belong to you. But... to be sure, I'd enlist professional help. See how other people handled it. Check out links on the front page http://annoyingparkingticket.blogspot.com
I tried to appeal a Zuma Beach parking ticket which I got because the cop said I wasn't quite "parallel" enough - on a wide dirt shoulder. The appeal goes to the Malibu Police Dept. for revue. You can guess the result: waste of time.
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