As you landed on the Annoying Parking Ticket site I assume you are looking at a parking violation ticket you recently got. Perhaps you're surprised, even angry, and definitely annoyed with the added hassle in your life. Maybe you don't understand it fully, maybe you just want to pay it with the least hassle and trouble. Or maybe you know there is something mysteriously wrong about you getting the ticket in the first place! Maybe you want to contest and fight your parking ticket?
I'm here to help!
Real quick, you got a couple of things you can do with your parking ticket. You can:
- Do nothing (not recommended)
- Pay it in a quick and hassle free way
- Contest it and deal with the officials yourself
- Hire a lawyer
- Work with an agency specializing in parking and traffic tickets
- Have your ticket work for you and pay for itself
- Regardless, you can share your story with me!
Pay the ticket in a quick and easy way
The paper ticket has instructions on how to pay it on the back. Follow directions, send a check, and you are done. You may be able to pay ticket over the internet but beware of additional charges for "processing". For more info, see how I paid one parking ticket, and hidden fees I encountered
Contest, dispute, fight the parking ticket and deal with the officials yourself
Not the simplest route but you're going to have a lot of fun and learn a thing or two about how your local or state government works. Here is a couple of cases and tips:
A student contests and disputes parking ticket based on 1st Amendment! Way to go! Applies at Malibu/Zuma, Pt.Dume too!
Great blog on how to write a contest/dispute and document it with images:
Nice How-to on how to dispute or contest your the parking ticket! Note the advice on parking in private area vs. public could be used for my own traffic ticket at Pt. Dume and elsewhere:
If your ticket was issued in California: The link to California Vehicle Code CVC is below. Make sure your Code of Violation is correct otherwise you can easily dispute the ticket on technicality:
Hire a lawyer
To the left of the main text you will find links to local law offices that can help you contest/dispute your ticket, sometimes at the fixed fee and with a guarantee. Take advantage! If you need a referral for a lawyer, you can purchase SecureNet membership through My Benefits Plus here and get first hour consultation with a lawyer for free and after that a fixed discount price on all services. You can get legal representation for your parking ticket for just $89!
Work with a specialized agency that deals with parking tickets
For example, fight your parking ticket with your iPhone, get $10 just for trying! Go here
Hire a lawyer and dismiss the ticket based on it being unconstitutional
This was discussed here: Parking Tickets Unconstitutional. Check it out!
Have your parking ticket work for you and pay for itself
Yes, it is possible for a parking ticket to pay for itself! This I feel is the best way to deal with your parking ticket or any traffic ticket for that matter! Follow this link:
The best way to deal with a parking ticket is to have it PAY FOR ITSELF! See how it was done with THIS VERY BLOG! Click here.
Last but not least,
Share your story
Post your story about what happened in a comment to this post. Please explain what you would like to do now. Give as much detail as you are comfortable giving. Maybe we can figure something out. No promises, but I will respond as soon as I can! Just find the "Comment" link below.
You find the right place to report on your disputed ticket!
I recieved a citation for a parking meter violation that occurred in Beverly Hills. I have never been to Beverly Hills and on the day and time that the citation occurred I was at work, which is an hour and five minutes away from the location where the citation has occurred. They said over the phone that to fight it they need a copy of my car's registration to see if the make of car matches the make of the car listed on the citation. This does not help me though because the make of the car on the citation matches my car. So I don't know what else I can do
Anonymous, I'm sure your situation has been resolved by now. Have you explained everything exactly the way you did here? In court? Have you documented your statements? That should help.
I recieved 12 tickets in 4 days from the same offices in my office parking lot
Rob, Please share the details. I'd like you to write a blog post on this blog if you can. That could help a lot of people possibly!
Hey Rob, Sorry to hear! If you would give more details, that would be great! When, Where, How, Why, were you able to fight it? Thanks!
i recently received a parking ticket from january that would be impossible because my car was sitting at home in my driveway with no battery and the ticket says i was in encino at the time, i live in anaheim. i know that this is definitely a mistake i am not going to pay $310 for this how can i dispute this?
Russell, there are several pieces of advice above. I think it is worth checking them all out for $310.
The option "Have your parking ticket work for you and pay for itself" is quite ingenious. Never thought of that alternative. Easier for some people who can write, I guess, than for most of us, but the way you describe it makes it worth a try. Thanks.
Los Angeles Parking,
Thanks for your praise! Yes, Keep in touch, let me know how you are progressing and if you have any question! You can make money helping others with their parking tickets.
I just got a notice in the Mail that I owe $189.00
I was in the area that the ticket said. But I never had a ticket on my windshield. I looked up the fines and they come to $75.00 and because I never knew I had a ticket they doubled it. Could I have a chance to pay the original amount. If I expand what happen do I have a case?
Jamin, Yeah Sure You Have A Chance. Have You Read The Original Post in Detail?
Which way do you want to proceed?
I have a "real" disability and use a Handicap Placard. I always have it up, always. This is my 2nd ticket. I paid the 1st because after writing to LA Parking whoever I was told that the "Officer was ALWAYS right". I don't want to pay again. I think it's crappy that a bankrupt city is trying to make money off of people like me. Any ideas???
Hi, Chas,
Well, definitely bookmark this site. We have something in mind that will definitely help people like you in the future. In the meantime, peruse the available resources on this page. Good luck. Keep in touch and let us know if you have any specific questions. Clearly, officer is NOT always right, as many successful court appearances testify.
So don't believe someone just because they have an uniform and are sitting behind a glass wall.
I got a ticket today for parking in a red zone, this is while I was parked in a metered space! The front end of my car was even with the meter (I once got a ticket for parking in 2 spaces because the nose of my car was past the meter) so I always make sure my car is not in 2 spaces (as defined by the idiot parking enforcement person) but the back of my car overhung the old red faded curb (there was a driveway behind me) because I drive a full size car and I suspect the spaces are laid out for compact cars. I will contest this. By the way I too got an expired meter ticket because my handicaped placard was on my dash and not hanging on a rearview mirror (mine was broken at the time). The city stated I had to hang it on a rearview mirror by law. I dug up the state laws and they said the dash was acceptable if you did not have a rearview mirror. I sent this to the person handling the contested tickets. They wrote back that a rearview mirror is required in CA and that I now admited to an equipment violation. I looked up the CAVC and it said vehical are required to have 2 mirrors and 1 of them must be mounted on the drivers side. The other 1 can be mounted in the center or passenger side. I informed the appeal person @ this law and how I had 2 mirrors, 1 on the drivers side and 1 on the passenger side. Ticket was dismissed in the interest of reaching out to the disabled and handicapped community... BS, they were wrong and did not want to admit it.
Robert, Thanks for sharing your story. It kind of shows who the city works for... when they should be working for citizenns first and foremost.
Doing everything to make sure you do not get ticketted when parked is a high return on investment... hopefully the meter maids will get out of business soon.
I am working downtown, in Milwaukee, WI, and there is only 2 hour parking. I therefore try to move my vehicle every 2 hours. In the building that I work, the elevator shuts down from noon - 12:45, so I went down at 11:45, to make sure I moved my vehicle before I was stuck upstairs. I moved my vehicle, and then set the alarm on my cell phone to go off at 1:35, to go and move my van. When I got down there, there was a ticket on my side view mirror. It said that my car was marked at 9:04, the ticket was issued at 11:54, and that the chalk mark was still visible. I looked down, and the chalk mark was on my front tire, right below the ticket (they always mark the rear of your rear tire, as they drive around to mark, with a pole). What can I do?
Merkelscott, nice story. Have you tried the suggestions on the front page? ? Which suggestion sounds best to you? Do you have other ideas?
I parked on Wilcox Blvd today(Hollywood,CA)and did not notice a sign where I parked (street cleaning 12-3pm) sign was 20 feet down the street, plus blocked by trees. Is it worth fighting? Thanks in advance
Blocked by trees, sounds good. Check out the links on the home page, maybe somebody could help you get to the bottom of this:
Or check California Vehicle Codes, also published here.
Will founder of this site please contact me asap at: thank you
your work is very good and i appreciate your work and hopping for some more informative posts . Again thanks
I have a bunch of parking tickets. Some I don't mind paying for. But some I just flat out refuse to pay. Due the fact that I am currently unemployed. It is impossible for me to pay the $1100 worth of parking tickets that I have. The majority of the tickets are for parking on my front lawn on street cleaning days or when there is just NO parking on my street. The street that I live on has homes that were built over a 100 years ago and none of the homes have garages. So you can imagine the parking situation! Especially with people having more than one vehicle per household. So parking here is an absolute nightmare. A couple of years ago people would park on their lawns without any problems. Now there ticketing people. Saying that it is illegal to park on your grass. But what right do I have as a homeowner if there is no parking on my street and I choose to park on my property. I'm not going to park around the corner just to find a parking spot. I think that is just ridiculous. And since I didn't pay the tickets right away they just doubled or when I was re-ticketed for the exact same violation the fees were much higher or doubled. I have gotten tickets for parking on my street with a fire hydrant. When I tried to plead my case by stating that I was 2 feet away from the fire hydrant. They said that you cannot park within 10 or 15 feet of a fire hydrant. The strip of sidewalk that the fire hydrant is located isn't even 15 feet long! And if that's the case shouldn't there be a sign stating no parking in that area? Which there is none. That means that no one should be allowed to park on that parking strip at all. With parking being as scarce as it is over here, they want to nit pick on the very limited parking space that we already have to work with. Becasue of this fact everyone parks there, so why am I getting tickets? I cannot even get my car registered because of all of these unneccesary tickets they keep slapping me with. Now I'm getting tickets for expired tags! Now I'm parking my car with a car cover over it to conceal the fact that I have expired tags, or the times that I JUST HAVE to park on my grass. I've noticed when this is done I am not harassed or hassled. I know I am responsible for some of these tickets, i.e; expired tags, a couple when my car wasn't moved on time for street cleaning. But the lawn parking and fire hydrant tickets I'm having a hard time coughing up $$ for. Do to the fact that some of these parking citations are fairly older tickets do I have any legal course at all. Would appreciate all advice/input. Thanks, From: Can't Catch a break in L.A.!!!
Can't Catch a break in L.A., having read your post, it seems to me you would be best helped by a lawyer. You would be surprised what they can do! For a low fee. Try the link given in the original post. Think about it... The courts are run like a business... if you step up and show up and state your case, with piles of evidence to support your case, you will use up their time. Using more of their time= less profit. When you maximize that, the court system becomes unprofitable, and they will let you go. And noone knows better how to deal with the court than an experienced lawyer.
Today as i know it was the street cleaning day from 12- 2 pm so i went outside of my apartment at 11:50 am to move my car off of the street, that 's when i realized that my car got flat tired..
so i went inside of my apartment to look for AAA card so they can come and fix my tired... i was gone for about 15 mins..
when i came out i 've got a parking ticket which was 75 $ for Sherman oaks ....
i was very shocked !!!!!!!! pissed as hell.... it took 35 mins for AAA to come and fix my tired... although ... now i 'm stuck with this ticket... is there anyway i can contest and win this ??? i mean it 's unfortunate coincidence there is no way i can move it out by not breaking my rims ... anyhelp and suggestion would be nice.. thank you guys !!
You can definitely win this. You have a good case in my opinion. A lawyer could help. See some links on the front page too.
I recently got a parking ticket with no violation marked. I called and was told that I got the ticket because of a meter violation. Can i dispute this and win? what should I do to dispute?
See the previous answer. I am not a lawyer, but seems to me that it would be a piece of cake to win your case on technicality if you use a lawyer that specializes in traffic tickets.
I recently learnt that most councils outsource parking fine administering to private companies. I understand the outsourcing from an efficiency point of view, but shouldn't all this money go back to the community. I propose that NFP organisations should take over this service to ensure as much as possible is invested back into local projects and social causes. Further, if the NFP had Deductable Gift Recipient status then a portion of the fine would be tax deductable as it would be considered a donation- win/win.
Sounds like a great idea. Yes, much of this parking ticket and traffic camera picture taking is outsourced. The sellers of the camera systems are even getting a "share" of the "revenue"... It is important where the money goes indeed.
That is, if the whole deal is even legal..I have a feeling a good lawyer could get out of the parking ticket on constitutional grounds, like here: Parking tickets unconstitutional?
On wed 4/20/2011 i was on James M. Wood Blvd the day that the street sweeper passes on that side of the street.. I was in my car with the engine running,with my foot on the break stopped looking for parking and a parking "officer" came up behind me and stopped. I looked back and saw him then i took my foot off the break and made a right and kept looking for parking until i found some. about a week later i get a notice of a parking violation.. note that parking violations are usually $50, mine is $88.. lol i thought that they can only give you a ticket if no ones in the car? Also the ticket says Offence time issued 11:03 am, Time marked: its blank. VIN: NV, State: CA, Month: 07? wth?, Year 2011. Officers comments: VEH 100 PCT IN R/Z GP NA. Will i win if i fight it? Thanks, Hector.
Sounds like you get a good case here. Try also some links at the front page or
Excellent post, I'll do my best to read each entry done.
Thanks, Anon. Plus write back with any of your experiences in fighting this nuisance.
I got a 50 $ ticket but the metric was broke. i went to the office and wrote a form, that it was broke. they answered it was not broke and i can get a hearing if i answer in letter. I answered immediately and i asked a hearing in person. It wasat the end of Febr. I still didnt get an answer. Now i called them and said its too late, because i didnt pay the fine and i have to pay already 97 even if it wasnt my fault.
Yeah, there is something fishy with their requirement to post fine even if you are not guilty. Sounds totally illegal/unconstitutional to me, see Parking tickets unconstitutional?.
In the meantime, to work within the "illegal?" system, post the "bail" and appear in court with a lot of documentation documenting your case.
Also follow the links on the main blog page.
My parking ticket is filed and should have been set for trial for almost 6 years now. Lol It is sure not usual but demonstrates how important it is to the government.
Okay, I could really use some help on this one. My wife and I got a parking ticket at our local Farmers' Market this weekend. We live in Santa Monica, but drive up to the Brentwood Farmers' Market on Gretna Green most Sundays. Now if you've never been to the Brentwood Market, then you wouldn't know what a mad house of traffic it is. The market usually has a gentleman help guide the traffic and find places for drivers to park.
The market is up against the Brentwood Science Magnet School and the market utilizes this private lot for parking. Now this past Sunday when we arrived at the market we were directed to park in the handicap area, specifically the cross hatch area. On either side of us were two other vehicles without handicap placards. Now the market is far enough away from the school (just up the street) that the area closest to the front of the market entrance is used for the handicap..NOT the school parking lot.
We didn't think anything of it and went shopping. A half hour later we were sitting on the school lawn enjoying our lunch and we saw a very irrate man on his phone. Moments later an L.A. Parking Enforcement office arrived and proceeded to give us a ticket. When we told her that we were instructed to park there and we did not believe she could ticket us on a private lot. She told us she has the right to ticket any violators for handicap parking or those who park in the fire zones.
After saying this, she hands us the ticket and speeds off. We stood there stunned, then realized that right next to us were those two cars, both without placards and parked behinds in a row were six cars parked in the red. Across the parking lot were cars parked double wide and some up the sidewalk and up the curb. We were the only ones given a ticket and all because one man was mad we parked, probably were he had wanted to park.
I've read the CA Drivers Handbook CVC §22507.8 and it would seem we do not have a leg to stand on. My question is, is there anything we can do that would help us win if we contest the ticket? I know that 12 wrongs (all the other parking violators) do not make us right, but if the Farmer's Market is telling drivers to park in a certain place on a private lot, because of lack of space on the street, why should we be punished for that? We're understandably very frustrated and I don't have the money to pay the $353 ticket. Any advise or help you can offer would be most helpful. Thank you.
The "we were directed" seems kind of weak, the way you put it. I would check with some legal help (links above in the original post).
Depending on what "we were directed" really means, you could get away with sticking the ticket to the farmers market (with a little legal help), or fighting it in court.
If anyone has other ideas, feel free to post a comment.
Hello. Don't know how I came across your site but I did. Here's my problem. I got a bad brake light ticket. Ticket is 160 bucks. One brake light was out and one was working. The one that was out was actually out of the socket. The light was working but it fell out of the housing. Doesn't matter I know but I'm not about to pay 160 bucks for a damn brake light ticket. What can I do? Fix it and get it thrown out? Help me please. Can you contact me @ Thanks in advance
I'd like to help but I think you would be much better off with a lawyer who has experience.
I doubt any law speaks whether a brake light has to be in a "housing" of any particular kind. If it does, we all are in bigger trouble than $160.
As long as it is working, no? But, again, IANAL, I am not a lawyer. Go check some links in the front page post for legal help. Just make sure the lawyer you hire has experience in the field.
Let us know back how your ticket fixin' went.
i received a ticket for parking on my front yard!
how do i appeal it??
Look at the links on the front page:
Come back and let us know which path did you decide to go.
very interesting parking ticket experiences, I got a job in CA looking to move with in couple of day so i thourght to learn about some traffic law of CA, this blog given me much more information which is useful while am in CA.
Read all the post and I believe you've all got a case here. I think parking tickets are just their way of earning money even if you're the one on the right track. They will look for a fault so they can issue tickets and squeeze money from you.
Lisa @ The Law Office of Hillel Traub
it was snowing and the street was covered with ice.the cop saw the snow o knew we had no where to park.when i went to court the judge thought it was hilariosh to take money from a disabled senior.Maybe someone will treat his mother and father the same way one day,or it might come back to him.
Hi i went to downtown Los Angeles to save some money for Christmas shopping. Paid the meter and as i am back to leave, the parking enforcer is getteout of his car to ticket me. I begged and pleaded to no avail. The meter must have just run out. I paid with my credit card. I don't work and husband is out of a job. Very difficult time and very unfair ticket.i just found out i can not do community service either. Any suggestions?
Yeah, Check this page for about 6 suggestions. Keep in mind, if lawyer's help seems too expensive to you, you may try to see if they would take you on "pro bono".
Check out my new FREE website:
I already had lost my car due a an alcoholic mechanic keeping it a long time, past reg. expiration and leaving it on the street. So.. have had to rent a car, an hourly rental, here in San Francisco. I am low income and disabled. I parked across 1/3 of the sidewalk to offload groceries into the lobby. The car was a prius, small, and did not extend past the many recycle bins on the sidewalk near the curb. My lights were flashing. I cam out 5 minutes later to a $105 ticket on a rental car (means I have to cover it or can't use the services, which I need to use at times) . I appealed it with photos clearly showing it blocked no more than those recycle cans, that the flashers (visible in photo) were on and discussed why I had to offload things that way (need two canes to walk etc.) and... showed diverse other cars on the sidewalk far more blocking, and regularly so, unticketed.
Then, in record fast time, got the expected reply that there's no good reason for parking on sidewalk,ever etc. and to pay $140. Nowhere does it say if I protest in a timely way I will lose $40 more!!! I am supposed to send in the money to even appeal in person or by mail. I want this matter outed to all, the parking Nazi's don't let a person get by, they are as cold and wrongfully abusive as it gets. I cannot afford this fine, having medical hardship. I will appeal in peraon, though it's a difficult matter for me to do it. I have tons of photos showing many cars blocking sidewalks to a substantial degree regularly around here and NEVER ticketed, too. I will check back for advice, if any. PUblic defender won't take "fine only " cases but this will be far more than a fine only, if I lose use of rental services by unable to pay and also it blocks my renewing CDL. This affects a number of things beyond my health, which is also affected if I cannot get to pharmacy or med appts or shop, etc. SGS
Yeah, I agree with you with the DISCOVERY or the need to get the copy of the officer's report because many traffic tickets can be thrown out of court and dismissed because the Police Officer wrote the citation improperly.
Anonymous above, I agree, why would the city increase the penalty just for appealing the ticket? You may be well off consulting with a ticket lawyer. Some ideas are mentioned in the original post above.
Just recieved a parking violation ticket for parking in a handicap spot. The spot is located in a next to vacant strip. Our school occupies a corner restaurant, and the next door building/shop serves as storage. I parked the handicap spot in front of the storage shop. The next two shops are empty, then there is a dry cleaner which there is PLENTY of spots that could be handicap available there.
I think its a pointless ticket, because there was anthoer handicap spot available and there was tons of other parking avaiable for the empty shops!
Help, please.
I just had to pay for damages on my car, and now this.. I don't want to be down 800 dollars in the span of two days!
Karina, For immediate help, consult with the options on the main page
The best thing, and the easiest to do in the future: Just remember that parking enforcement has turned into a BIG money generator for the governments, and ...
It is not about making sure that there is parking for everyone.
It is about making money (and they sure have some powerful means to enforce getting the money from you).
Thanks for providing yet another blatant example of how the above is true.
To put it bluntly, your honest expectation expressed in your comment is that the government is your friend.
It is not. Not anymore.
Yes such as exceeding the speed limit, or a non-moving violation, such as a parking violation, with the ticket also being referred to as a parking citation, notice of illegal parking or parking ticket. Traffic attorney can act in your defense the better for the possible outcome.
What does the ticket say? If it is for parking illegally, you may just have been stopping, not parking. But don't waste your time in court, the cards are stacked against you. Check out some legal links on our front page instead.
Just got a ticket saying my plates were expired. The sticker verifying my car as current must have been ripped off the plate. My registration proves this doesn't it? I believe this one is definitely arguable right?
You would think so... However, I was just ticketed for driving without the "proof" of insurance (they mean "paper proof") in the car although the cop could easily verify my insurance is current by calling the insurance company (which they probably did because I gave them the old note of insurance)... Laaame indeed.
One more proof that all of this nonsense is not for the benefit of the public, but for the benefit of the class that lives off of the public and their bosses (and their bosses, etc....)
I'd check for the wording of the law in your case. It may be antiquated (who deals with paper these days anyways anymore??).
Next time be more careful who you voted into the office and what kind of laws THEY are passing (yes it is your own fault).
Hi disclosure.. I sent you a couple of messages.. I am not sure if you got them..Big fan of your posts..Going through the Court appeal route in one instance.. I already WON in another...from what I se in all these postings from all these people, is that they do not READ the actual LAW that applies to the citation itself... Wat they need to remember is that for every citeable code, there is an EXEMPTION for it ...All they gotta do is just read ..and apply said exemption IN COURT.. forget administrative reviews, and hearings they are all fixed and run by the same bunch...only a judge in a SUPERIOR COURT can say if the citation is owed OR NOT...and even if he says it is.. you can qalways APPEAL his decision some point you will win..The problem in CA is that these bastards at the Parking Bureau, notify DMV the second they dont get a payment.. so it is very important to file all the proper appeals on time. When in Court, inform the "real" judge that his order needs to say that the citation should be dismissed, so that you can take that court order to DMV if they are already holding your registration hostage...But just remember.. FIGHT THESE BASTARDS BACK...find the exemptions in the law and use them...GOOD LUCK...Disclosure, Let me know if this helps...
Hi Louis. Great points you make. If folks would just keep appealing, they would eventually win. Why? Because the courts would realize that the ROI on fighting you is NEGATIVE.
Meaning, they are losing money on you even if you pay the ticket in the end.
If 10% of folks did that, the courts would be out of business, i.e. unprofitable, and the judge would be fired, and the meter maids fired...
...then the govts would have to find another source of revenue... if they still want their generous salaries and pensions, that is.
Or, if that is not possible, they will have to go out in the "real" marketplace where the money you make is actually commensurate with the "real" services you provide...
Win win for everyone, if people just kept appealing... indeed.
Instead, most people are scared of the judicial system (can't blame them for it, it does portray itself as scary...which it isn't at all) and they just want to know how to pay, quickly...
...and the system has got them just exactly where they want them... overpaying sheeple.
I am very unlucky when it comes to getting parking tickets... I have two situations, but I am only going to share my last one. I parked my car to get a haircut in Atlanta. I only had 2 twenties, so I ran inside to get change-as I was coming back the parking tendant was standing next to my car. I felt good since he hadnt printed the ticket yet and I got my change to put into the machine... WRONG!!! He wouldnt stop, he prints the ticket, and then says "let me call my boss and see what I can do, since I couldnt stop from printing your ticket." So now I have a $35 dollar ticket, for a 30 second run inside to get the correct change for the meter. I had the employees from the barber coming out.. it didnt matter. I am furious because now I am going to pay the ticket, since I dont want to miss work and waste my time fighting this!! Unlucky!
Anon, While I sympathize with your situation, I don't think you were unlucky. The system is designed to do this, namely write as many tickets as they can.
And you can't wiggle your way out since the power is on their side.
This happens everytime people give power to the government.
Remember, it is by design, no bad luck required.
Solution: Avoid dealing with the government in every possible way.
Even when only getting a hair cut.
Hi everyone,
I have a question about a ticket I recently received - I'm planning to dispute it, but it would be great to get some advice first.
My apartment is located on a major city street in the CA bay area, and the parking spaces right outside my house are all 90-min maximum spots (between 8am-6pm). I'm usually at work during the hours where the time is enforced, but I was off on this day. In between running errands, I parked right in front of my house in one of those 90-min spots (there's no meter, just a sign stating the 8-6 enforcement time). I parked there for 75 minutes (I had set an alarm on my phone as I always do in these instances), and when I went back to the car to head to my next appointment, I saw that there was a ticket on the windshield. The ticket stated that my car had been parked there for 93 minutes ("AMC 9-10. 18 600. 90 min limit in business area district").
What would be the best way to contest this ticket? I am planning to write a letter, but is it in my best interest to make the case that 1) I was there for 70 minutes; and 2) I literally live right on this street (right next to where I parked) and have never parked there for longer than 90 min at a time ? Or would you suggest a better tactic? Also, any idea as to my chances that this dispute will be successful?
Thanks SO much for your time!
Tactics sounds great to me. REALLY curious what you will be able to accomplish. Also perhaps you could find an attorney (suggestions - and see what would they do for you.
Would REALLY appreciate if you shared with us what happened!
Thanks for the feedback! I plan to send the appeal letter out tomorrow and will keep you updated.
Hi! I'm a pretty new driver! 16 1/2, girl, have been driving for a few months. Up UNTIL today, I had a perfect record! And then today.. I parked in a 1 hour parking space (pay by meter) in Berkeley, CA and went to go read at a close coffee shop. Completely my fault, I just lost track of time and about an hour and a half later I ran back to my car, and to my dismay, there was the stupid white envelope. I called my dad who said just pay and move on, so I went online and tried to pay! I guess their system doesn't work all too well because it wouldn't let me pay, so I figured I'd just wait a couple hours until i COULD pay and then I'd leave. So i went BACK to the coffee shop and actually got into a lovely conversation with someone about how wonderful Berkeley was, tried to pay again..couldn't. Figured it was time for dinner, so I walked back to my car, and found ..yes..ANOTHER TICKET. Now I've looked online at reticketing, and obviously this is all my fault, but I still want to contest! $86 is A LOT for me, and I'm not letting my parents pay! Do you see any potential way to argue? I was thinking just be honest and go for the sympathy side of it...but that may just be a giant waste of time. Thoughts? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! :)
Hannah, as you can see from your own experience and from the experiences of other posters and commenters, realize that:
* whoever is asking you for money is eager to get it. there is not much other concern, really *
So, do you think you have a good chance arguing (or pleading) with someone who has a law degree, sits on a high chair, has done that 100x, AND is eager to use all his/her skills to get your money?
The only thing you could do yourself is * waste their time * thereby making their position financially unprofitable. But do you know how you can do that?
Now if you arm yourself with another lawyer, then maybe.
Next time, just consider driving and parking on city streets, highways and even some nice and not so nice resorts(!) with the same amount of caution as you would when you consider going swimming in shark-infested waters.
Get the tools so you will never get in a situation like this ever again. Like an alarm clock that you keep in the car and use everytime you park?
Like some alarm iPod app? Take your pick!
Avoid Berkeley Street Sweeping tickets:
Find out the next street sweeping time for your location in Berkeley CA
To avoid street sweeping tickets, go to
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You should be able to dispute on the technicality, i.e. write to the court that there is no such address. Stick with this story, everything else is irrelevant. The document you have in your hands is bogus.
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On Saturday 12, 2014 me and my friend, who is in the Navy and just transferred here from TN drove up from San Diego to the beach at Oceanside. (for the first time and will probably be the last time). I had been there before and had never paid for parking before. I followed a line of cars into a parking lot, parked in the corner and we got out. We walked a block to Dairy Queen on the corner of Mission and Cleveland and had ice cream. At most maybe 20 mins later, we then walked back past the parking lot on our way to the beach, and noticed a ticket on the windshield. It was a ticket for not paying for or not properly displaying a ticket for parking. We looked around for a sign saying that it was a pay lot. When we found one it was at least 12 foot high up on a pole. We then bought a ticket (actually 2 because of the machine) for parking while looking for and waiting on a policeman to come back by. When one finally did the only advice he gave us, was follow the directions on the back of the ticket. The other thing he did was try to point out a sign in the pavement that said pay lot. He had to do this with his flashlight because it was not very visible. It was also not visible upon entering the lot, when following another car in front of us. The signs in this lot are not very visible, nor are there enough of them to let people know that it is a pay lot, while the lot across the street is a free public parking lot.
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