How to have your parking ticket pay for itself

The idea is very simple:

#1 Get a parking ticket (you already must be at this step since you found your way here)
#2 Get angry (optional)
#3 Go to and start a blogger blog like this one Pay Annoying Parking Ticket Blog (, it's free!
#4 Write about your experience getting a parking ticket. Describe your emotions, emotions attract readers! This is your blog post #1. Add some pictures, upload them from your cell phone or digital camera. Here is my original angry post.
#5 Set up your google adsense account at or use one that you already have.
#6 Make sure you put adsense component on the very top of the blog (easy, use the settings link, see how it is done here)
#7 (optional) You can find some useful resources on how to contest, fight, pay parking tickets worldwide and post links in post #2 on your blog. That is what I did in my post #2.
#8 Place some links to your blog on other blogs, see below.
#9 Watch the money roll in !!!

In my experience with this blog the parking ticket will pay for itself in 8 months. Your mileage may vary depending on how many links you put out there on other blogs and web sites. I only put maybe 20-50 links out there in the first two-three weeks after starting a blog. The places where you put your links can be blogs about traffic tickets, parking tickets, parking troubles in various cities, etc. etc. Just do a google search such as "parking ticket blog" or "traffic ticket blogspot" and you will find plenty of places where people talk about parking tickets, and how mad they are about them. This will be your audience. Put your links to your blog there. To make your blog more useful to these folks, make sure you create post number #2 as in #7 above.

Now this is not the end of the money story! Guess what, I get the kind of traffic every single month and it seems to be growing! So I project getting $64 from Google every 8 months or about $8 or more every single month !!! It's a gold mine ;) And I only had 2 (two) posts for 6 months!!!

If YOU want to start YOUR OWN "parking ticket blog", please leave a comment below and include a link to your blog. Thank you!


Disclosure said...

Ok let me start with my own blog:


Disclosure said...

If you own another blog that talks about parking ticket hassles, feel free to leave your link here!Thanks!

Anonymous said...

girl bye

SV said...

my experience.

You got towed and parking violations, now what? said...

Thx for the idea. I did it too.

Disclosure said...

Great, SV, Great Towed and parking violations! Keep in touch! I will get to your blog and follow, see how you are doing!

Neurodude said...

I took your advice and made a blog of my own. I've had several attempts at fighting tickets and have learned a few things here and there about it that I figured I'd write up for folks.

It's a work in progress, but it's been great fun throwing together:

Disclosure said...


I'll check out your blog right away and link to it. Like this:

Fighting Tickets Blogspot

Russ said...

I love your approach - it's a great idea! What a way to take some of the sting out!

Disclosure said...

Russ, Thanks...

The sting is out a long time ago...

Today, this blog makes me shall we say, several tickets worth per year...

Highly recommended approach!


Krys said...

Hey there! Decided to try this approach out. Definitely still needs some work (still have to add some pics), but at least I got to vent about my most recent parking blues on my new blog!

Thanks for the great tips!

Krys said...

Hey there!

I've decided to try out this approach and have started my own blog. My parking karma has not been good lately :( But hopefully this helps turn the negative into a positive!

Thanks for the great tips!

Disclosure said...

Krys, Good To Hear! Nice welcome to Hawaii, huh!? Anyways, keep up the great work! You got a new follower @ your new blog!

Adam Goyer said...

I got a parking ticket with a broken meter. I took a picture and called the service number, only to return to my car with a ticket and the meter fixed. Not cool. I want to fight this one on moral grounds.

Disclosure said...

Adam, We're with you on this one. Let us know here how the fight went.

Anonymous said...

It sounds too risky

Disclosure said...

Anon, if it sounds too risky for you, then don't do it. The last thing you want is losing sleep over making a couple hundred bucks ;)

Anonymous said...

What's the purpose of this site? It looks like fun and games with whats a serious crime to me. I would tell my story but it wouldn't be looked at as fun and games. I want to stop this parking enforcement corruption but it looks like I'm on my own.

Disclosure said...

Anonymous, why do you think you are on your own?

In fact you have some really good ideas!

Wouldn't it be great if we stopped parking enforcement corruption just with what you call "fun and games"?

Seems a lot more "fun" and possibly more profitable and safer than the alternatives.

What did you have in mind? A class action suit? Getting all up in arms? Running for a city major?

Peter Malkin said...

Avoid street cleaning tickets in the first place.

fight a traffic ticket in California said...

Alright, enough with the state giving us these unconstitutional parking tickets in order to generate revenue. They blew all our great resources away and now are imposing these frivolous taxes on us just to survive, and these parking tickets are one of them!

Great idea by the way, Disclosure.

tony said...

Yes, I agree, I have started my own blog see below

Disclosure said...

Great, Tony, Let us know how the case goes ! Your citation is so funny, you should get many readers! Everyone check it out through a direct link here:

Seventeen said...

I made one! Check it out:

Traffic ticket Toronto said...

Sharing a traffic ticket experience can help others avoid problems and find a solution to dismiss a ticket....
Such a blog helped me a lot when I wanted to cancel a speeding ticket Toronto. It was the first time when I heard about specialized lawyers that can handle such cases.
Mine was able to dismiss my ticket and save my license:D


I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well. Thanks for sharing this information. And I’ll love to read your next post too.

Cheap Airport Parking

Unknown said...

Hi Disclosure...Love your Ideas and approach to life etc..BUT how much does adsense pay ?? and is that the only "source" of ads for a blog ?? In other words..does adsense choose who will advertise in your blog or do you?? I guess I am new at this...I NEED a litle help as you can see...Thanks

Disclosure said...

Hi Louis, again.

You need to read this blog and the comments thoroughly and you will see that the tickets I talk about in this blog have paid for themselves MANY MANY times over... let's just leave it at that.

So just structure your blog like I did, and your tickets will all be paid for in advance...

These days I almost look forward to any new ticket I get because I know just by writing about it

1) the ticket will pay for itself many many times over

2) the many folks who read about this will get enlightened and will begin to realize the scam for what it is. (I'm not disputing good intentions of the state here, but those noble intentions have long turned into the opposite -- hurting people they represent instead of helping them, through the parking enforcement)

Good luck and let me know your blog address so I can link to it and send you some traffic. I'm getting 1000's of visitors every month.

Anonymous said...

i received a ticket in the mail from philadelphia i havenot been there in 10 years. My ex-husband took the car after the divorce and my name was still attached to the car as well as his but i received the ticket. He went up there at one time and abandoned the car now i have the ticket to pay and i dont think that it is fair.

Disclosure said...

Anonymous, As I understand it, you can prevent tickets like that by removing your name from the title. It is a simple form you mail to your DMV in PA. At least it is so in California.

Before that, you need to change the title ownership to your ex-husband.

Interesting huh, a worthless car can still make money for the state.

Based on the ticket address, do you even know where the car is so you can get rid of it and prevent further tickets.

You think this "unfair" ticket is going to be the last if you do nothing?

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