California Vehicle Code CVC Div 11, CVC Chap 9 Stopping Standing Parking

Always make sure that your ticket has a code written on it that MAKES SENSE,
based on this CVC code (if you are in California), or other applicable code.
If not, you stand a very good chance of having ticket dismissed on technical

I'm publishing complete California Vehicle Code (CVC) here, for the use of our numerous visitors from California. Courtesy of The better you know the law the easier it will be to fight or dismiss your ticket. The links are complete as of 8/4/2009. The links are to the original source, so as long as the link works, you'll have the correct info. If you live in a municipality other than California, please add references to your laws online in the comments. Thanks!

[Note for Internet Explorer Users: If you see a vertical string of letters below, please upgrade to IE8 and view the page in the "Compatibility" mode. Or just upgrade to Firefox at Thank you.]

Table of Contents for Chapter 9 of Division 11 of the California Vehicle Code22500Prohibited Stopping, Standing, or Parking22500.1Additional Prohibited Stopping, Standing, or Parking: Fire Lane22500.5Schoolbuses: Loading and Unloading of Passengers22501Local Regulation of State Highways22502Curb Parking22503Local Ordinance: Angle Parking22503.5Two- or Three-Wheeled Motor Vehicle Parking Regulations22504Unincorporated Area Parking; School Bus Stops22505Stopping, Standing, or Parking on State Highway Segments22506Local Regulation of State Highway: Stopping, Standing, or Parking22507Local Regulations22507.1Local Regulations: Parking Privileges: Car Share or Ridesharing Programs22507.2Permit Parking: Private Driveway22507.5Local Parking Regulations22507.6Local Regulations: Street Sweeping; Commercial Vehicles22507.8Parking in Spaces for the Disabled22507.9Local Authority: Enforcement of Disabled Persons Parking22508Parking Meter Zones22509Parking on Hills22510Parking in Snow Removal Areas22511Off-street Parking: Zero-Emission Vehicles: Distinctive Decal22511.1Zero-Emission Vehicles: Display of Decal22511.3Veterans with Special License Plates: Parking in Metered Spaces22511.5Disabled Parking: Authorized Parking Zones22511.6Cancellation or Revocation of Placard22511.7Parking for the Disabled22511.8Offstreet Parking for the Disabled: Removal of Vehicles22511.9Disabled Person Sign22511.10Disabled Parking: Legislative Findings and Intent22511.11Disabled Parking: State Architect Regulations22511.55Placards: Issuance: Substitute22511.56Placards or Plates: Evidence of Issuance; Misuse22511.57Placards: Local Regulation22511.58Disabled Parking Placards: Substantiating Information22511.59Temporary Placards22511.85Off-Street Parking: Loading or Unloading Disabled Passengers22511.95Persons with Disability Sign22512Utility Vehicles22513Tow Trucks22514Fire Hydrants22515Unattended Vehicle22516Locked Vehicle22517Opening and Closing Doors22518Use of Fringe and Transportation Corridor Parking Facilities22519Regulation of Offstreet Parking22520.5Vending On or Near Freeways22520.6Prohibited Activity: Roadside Rest or Vista Point22521Parking Upon or Near Railroad Track22522Parking Near Designated Sidewalk Access Ramps22523Abandonment Prohibited22524Abandonment: Presumption22524.5Liability for Towing and Storage Charges22525Use of State Highway Bus Stops by Vanpool Vehicles22526Entering Intersection, Rail Crossing, or Marked Crosswalk

From: California Vehicle Code CVC Table of Contents


Disclosure said...
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Hello world
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Disclosure said...

triple annoying

Disclosure said...

These were the test posts. As you can see, the links are all nofollow. Now this shows that I have changed the html template as follows (notice I have removed rel='nofollow' from the href line):

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Anything else I can do?

Disclosure said...

Ok for anyone who landed here trying to help. I was surprised to see that when you look at these comments from the single post view, the Author links are dofollow. However, when you look at it from the multipost view, or separate comment view, the author links are nofollow. Any solution for that to become dofollow?

Separate issue, the backlinks are never dofollow, neither in the single post view nor in the multipost view. Does anyone know a way around that? Any comments welcome!

floodmymind said...

try to change your template with another template manually and check the results, thanks.

Jatiblogger said...

Try to change your template with another template manually and check the results, thanks.

Unknown said...

I apprectiate you comment in my blog. Posts like yours help me realize I missed an important step that is causing you this problem.

To make sure this works you need to go to your settings menu. From here go to comments and go to the "Comment Form Placement" and make sure the embedded below post is selected. This will show the post and comments on the same page. When shown together the comments are dofollwo. If you leave the comments to a seperate page then they will be nofollow.

Picastana said...

maybe the template is standard blogger template. or maybe any missing click expand widgeds template..

or maybe the template should be externa blogger template..not design by blogger developer

Matt @ Dofollow Cool: get blog traffic, free the web said...

Thank you to everyone who responded! Looks like everything, including inline posting, and dofollow works as expected! You may want to visit my other blog, a great resource and a dofollow blog!

Anonymous said...

what about storage of vehicle on a city street-72 hours? its a parking violation but there is not link for it here?!

Annoying Parking Ticket said...

Anonymous, there is "Liability for Towing and Storage Charges", is that it?

Please give more details from your ticket when you post next time, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I parked on the street facing the wrong way. The officer filled out CVC 22500 Unlawful Parking "FACING". This actually falls under the catagory of CVC 22502a Curb Parking. Do I have a case based on a this technicality?

Anonymous said...


Disclosure said...

Hi, Anonymous. You absolutely have a case. Did you check some of the advice on to get help to make sure your case gets dropped?

Anonymous said...

when staying at my friends house we have to move the car every hour. I saw the parking enforcement out when I drove up, so I was especially careful on that day. When I came out to move my car she had given me and another man, a ticket before the hour was up. we exchanged numbers as witnesses. Is there anything i can do to fight this? I took pictures of the sign and my car, dont know if this will help..

Disclosure said...

You've done a great first step to fight this. Collected the evidence, great. Next step is to fight his. There are lawyers specializing in helping folks with tickets like this, check a link on the front page

Unknown said...

HOw can a citizen file a complaint with the state for a local government not acting within its authority regarding CVC?

Disclosure said...

California Adventure, you may be able to use advice on the front page to get some ideas. There is a lot you can do. What issue do you have?

Anonymous said...

So I got a $400 parking ticket the other day for blocking a wheelchair acces. The only problem is that it just looks like a path way. The pathway is not even by a cross walk. I have read the VC section 22522 and it says if the area adjoining the ramp is designated by either a sign or red paint. But there are no signs or red paint. I have taken pictures that show that there is nothing posted or painted. Do I have a case on these basis?

Disclosure said...

Sounds like you are well equipped to show up in court with a well-documented case. I'd consult with a ticket attorney first though to be sure not to fall for a formality in court.

I mean how often do you go to court? Everyone else is there daily or at least quite frequently.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone I have 2 parking tickets on my record, I had never received them, I lend my car out a lot, so someone else received the ticket and never told me. But now the car is sold, so I don't know if I should pay it or not. I received a letter from the Collection of Agency. The total is 170$. Is there any way of avoiding this ticket.. thanks a lot.

Disclosure said...

Personal opinion, whether you should pay the tickets has little to do with whether you earned them or someone else did.

I'm surprised the cost is so low, considering the tickets are in the collection process.

Let us know what you decided!

Anonymous said...

Got two parking tickets on the same day D:
Anyways on the Type and Color, they have different well one says TRK TN and the other says PAS BG could I dismiss one of the tickets on this lame technicality?

Disclosure said...

Absolutely, but, to be sure, consult with the lawyer for a 100% fool proof procedure.

Unknown said...

Very onerous to know. however Vehicle Code CVC is nice for DoJ to trace Criminals and Statements for the crime offense.

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